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Frequently Asked Questions For USERZ

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

It varies from product, pincode and price. We have three shipping cost. 
1.  ₹100
2.  ₹200 
3.  ₹300 

You can check the same while placing the order. If the order value is more than ₹1500 then you have free shipping

Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?

We accept all payment methods via PayU, if required we can collect on gpay/paytm as well. We also have COD option. In COD a small confirmation amount of ₹150 is collected before processing the order.

How long will delivery take?

Usually its delivered in 2-4 days.

What exactly happens after ordering?

Ther order is confirmed, you recieve email confirmation along with tracking number.

Do I receive an invoice for my order?

Yes,invoice is emailed to the email id register during creating an account.

Frequently Asked Questions for Vendors

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Who can become a Vendor or Seller?

Any one who wants to sell Toy Collection New or Old like Action Figures, Statues, Diecast Cars, Action Figure spare parts, accessories can register with us. 

What is the requirement to become Seller?

Once you register, you need to email us the following:

1. Pancard
2. Aadhar card (This will be the same address for pickup or shipping)
3. Photo graph

Note: The information is only to verify the details and we do not intend to use the information for any other pupose. Our website is based on Hostinger / Woocomerce and the details might be further be pased to them. 

How does the shipping work?

We have partnered with Shiprocket which has carrier integration with the following partners. We service 29,000 pincodes in India.

Examples of Shipping Cost

1. Less than ₹2,500 order value the shipping cost is on actual which can vary from ₹100 to ₹300

2. More than ₹2,500 order value the shipping cost is free to the consumer.

How does the commission work

We have a transparent policy. The price shown on the website is the price the consumer pays. We take 10% Commission for coordination, server and handling fees

Let me explain with an example. 

Scenario 1 (Pre-paid, under ₹1,500 )
Product Action Figure Wolverine 6 inch – ₹1,100
Shipping will be – ₹100
Total price consumer pays while shopping – ₹1,200
Bazinga Fees 10% = ₹120
Partner / Seller Receives – ₹1,200 – ₹120 = ₹1,080

Scenario 2 (Cash On Delivery, under ₹1,500 )
Product Action Figure Wolverine 6 inch – ₹1,100
Shipping will be – ₹100
CoD Charges – ₹100 (This is charges by courier services)
Total price consumer pays while shopping – ₹1,300
Courier COD Fees: ₹100 (Deducted)
Bazinga Fees 10% = ₹120 (Deducted)
Partner / Seller Receives – ₹1,200 – ₹120 = ₹1,080

Scenario 3 (Pre-paid, above ₹2,500 )
Product Action Figure Wolverine 6 inch – ₹2,600
Total price consumer pays while shopping – ₹2,600
Bazinga Fees 10% = ₹260
Partner / Seller Receives – ₹2,600 – ₹260 = ₹2,340

Scenario 4 (Cash On Delivery, above ₹1,500 )
Product Action Figure Wolverine 6 inch – ₹2,600
CoD Charges – ₹100 (This is charges by courier services)
Total price consumer pays while shopping – ₹2,700
Courier COD Fees: ₹100 (Deducted)
Bazinga Fees 10% = ₹260 (Deducted)
Partner / Seller Receives – ₹2,600 – ₹260 = ₹2,340

What is the return policy

We have simple policy


It is the responsibility of the seller to call out all the information about the product before hand.  If the information is hidden by seller while product uploading or miss infomation is presented, The consumer has all right to return the product.

The consumer needs to confirm the product in 24hrs time frame post received the product.  

The payment to the seller is released within 4 working days